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BaliDog “wearable art that speaks of spirit”

Bali Dog was born in Bali, Indonesia in 1990, created by Alicia Nogueira.

Alicia became a designer as a hobby, it came natural to her, because she saw a need to introduce fun colors into a new concept: a yoga inspired clothing line; at a time, when only plain exercise clothing was available.

Alicia, has been successfully creating a new yoga clothing line that looks beautiful, feels good and last a long time. Her clothing is machine wash/dry, the more you were the better it gets! She has a serious commitment to quality.

BaliDog clothing is made with natural fabrics, cotton, recycled wood and organics. Now is being produced in Brazil, her native country, where she can better monitor the quality and make sure there are no sweat shops involved. Instead, she supports artisans and independent seamstress of superiors craftsmanship, enhancing the final product to the level of an “art piece”, unique in its details of hand painted and embroidery master skills.

The first Bali Dogs were made using batik; a stamp and wax method made in Bali, for about 10 years. The collections were so well received by the communities of yogis in San Francisco that Alicia decided to create a virtual shop in 2001 and move the manufacture to Brazil.

Alicia is an Iyengar yoga teacher and has an amazing eye for colors and designs that enhance ones experience on the yoga mat. BaliDogs are not for everyone but the ones that like it are faithful clients. BaliDog has participated in major fashion shows, Aids benefits, Cancer Benefits, Hollywood as well as independent films, plays and several instructional DVDs.

Our commitment as a well established, small company; is to provide excellent service and to serve, as best we can, creating new, exiting clothing that feels good and last! Also to respect our finite resources, by using fabrics that do not harm or pollute our waters and to continue to celebrate life!

Alicia lives in Telluride, Colorado with her 14 years old daughter. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE.